Breaking change: SSH key fingerprint changed

Excellent! Everything seems to be working now, thank you very much!


Hello. Iā€™m unable to access and would appreciate help getting updated for login2 for - thanks!

Windows 7 Professional / SP1
FileZilla 3.50.00

I am getting this message:

Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
Status: Disconnected from server
Status: Connecting to login.ibiblio.orgā€¦
Status: Using username ā€œniehorsterā€.
Status: Access denied
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

Now what?`
I have no idea how/where to find/change the ā€œhost key fingerprintsā€.


Hello! The previous FTP credentials I used to access no longer work. How can this be resolved? Thank you, Brandon Essary ( For what itā€™s worth, in the past I used user ā€œannaliā€ and logged in with my password at

Good morning - It should be working now, let me know if you are still having trouble logging in. We recommend that you go ahead and change your password at this time.

Hi, I manage The Philm Freax Digital Archive at

Iā€™m not able to log in as always as user: mal

ā€œCredentials were not accepted by the server.ā€

I have a handful of small pages from back when I used to work with SunSite, and Iā€™m getting refused when I try to ssh to

Issue resolved.

Many thanks!

Whoopsā€“incorrect protocol identification thereā€“I mean SFTP.

Should be working now - let us know if youā€™re still having trouble.

Still having troubleā€“userID/PW combo is getting rejected on SFTP connection to


I opened a help desk ticket for you about this - you should find it in your email.

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Me with question: Sorry, but I have no idea where to add/modify the new host key fingerprints. Where are they stored?

Sarah answer: They are at ~/.ssh/known_hosts , you can delete the stale entry there. This
article covers a few other methods (as well as that one at the end) -

Me with question: When I start PuTTY, I get the message ā€œc:\bin\putty.exe is not an allowed Win32 application.ā€ Or similar. [My translation from German.]

Now what?


Hello. I manage the najvs collection in ibiblio. I havenā€™t had to log in a while. When I tried to log in today, I got a prompt to update my key fingerprint with filezilla, which I accepted, but I cannot log in. Also, whatever account here I had in the past seemed to be lost, itā€™s been many years since Iā€™ve had any issues, so I had to establish this new support account.

Dennis K

I am in the same situation here too. I manage content for the open-source (flight simulator) project. My ssh key no longer works, and what I was pretty sure was my old password also does not seem to work. Please help!

I am in the same situation as well. I manage, and my password no longer works. The ā€œapolloā€ collection actually has two administrators, with two separate usernames, and neither of us can log in any longer.

Bump? What is the process for restoring my projectā€™s login and access to our files?


Given that there has been no response, Iā€™ve separately explicitly submitted a help ticket.

Sorry for the delay, could you tell me what your username is?

Should be working now - let me know if you have anymore trouble. We are recommending that you go ahead and change your password at this time.