[EDIT: primary work on this migration is done. The new host is up and available. See below for details.]
[EDIT: changed date from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24]
Login2, the host currently powering login.ibiblio.org, will be replaced by a more modern host, also at login.ibiblio.org.
The change from old login.ibiblio.org to new login.ibiblio.org will happen on the morning of Wednesday the 24th of July, 2024. There will be an outage of at least one hour, and after the outage, both SSH and SFTP will be available as before, but some other tools will only be available through other resources.
The operating system powering Login2 is reaching end-of-life, and as we prepared to replace it, we decided to alter the architecture to better support multiple PHP versions.
- If you currently use login.ibiblio.org only for copying or editing files for your website, no change to your work process should be needed.
- If you need to run PHP to perform website updates (such as running WordPress CLI commands), you will need to use new systems to be announced. Separate announcements will be made about the transition to these systems with enough time for contributors to change their workflows.
- Your SSH client(s) will need to accept new Host keys, since you will be connecting to a new host. These host key fingerprints are below.
256 SHA256:3MDPxxnNomzzJoFepWXIgOQW8cJ6JtNjHlcPc37Bm0Y root@login1.ibiblio.org (ECDSA)
+---[ECDSA 256]---+
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256 SHA256:eeCCfFCNMBVc9GzX3JBCKa3DFXJ0KTLXso5BO1OmEWE root@login1.ibiblio.org (ED25519)
+--[ED25519 256]--+
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3072 SHA256:qWphlf31TBm963vCjhCLVseHzvWYpW5Uf6bzZyJ0S7U root@login1.ibiblio.org (RSA)
+---[RSA 3072]----+
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