UNPLANNED OUTAGE: storage incident

Staff are coördinating with the vendor that supplies the storage system that powers www.ibiblio.org, gutenberg, and various other collections. This is an ongoing outage that began earlier today. We will update here when we have more information and/or an estimated time for a full resolution.


A storage system outage on a system supporting many ibiblio collections started earlier today and continues at this time.

The vendor has assigned both a field technician to repair the offline unit, and a remote technician to help us recover services. Automated systems should have made the failure of one of the storage units transparent. That is, the hardware failure should not have resulted in a degradation of service. Unfortunately for us, at least one component, a network address associated with the service, did not move over from the failed unit to its logical pair.

We hope to have another update by 15:30 local time.

All ibiblio services should be restored at this time. Services were brought back up on alternate hardware. Services may not be at full capacity, ie. response time may be slower than usual, but web services should be up.

I’m guessing this is related to the outage over the weekend, but our site at journal.code4lib.org is down and just shows a 503 Service Unavailable error message.

Apologies for that. Yes, your site was a casualty of that outage, and we regret not catching it sooner. It should have recovered early this morning (Eastern time).

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