PHP version and WordPress?

I get an old PHP version
[demidov@login2 ~] $ php --version
PHP 5.4.16 (cli) …
and “Your server is running PHP version 5.3.29 but WordPress 5.5.3 requires at least 5.6.20.” from

but I see “PHP 7.3.11” at "mysql" client application on login2?

any suggestions?

Evgeny Demidov

For the CLI PHP on login2, have a look at this post. For changing the PHP version that a particular sub-directory of loads, we need to coordinate that change with you. I believe we already have RT # 50484 open dealing with related work, so let’s check in there to make sure we get you what you need.

After I added
source scl_source enable rh-php73
into ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.bashrc) I get php73 in my Putty. But I still have “PHP version 5.3.29” in my browser.

This is fixed for your sub-directory.