I maintain the Open Book Project website using a shell login (login.ibiblio.org), but I can’t find where the video is located (on another machine I bet).
What you want is owned by you and accessible form login1:
jelkner@login1:~$ pushd /public/html/pub/multimedia/video/obp
/public/html/pub/multimedia/video/obp ~
jelkner@login1:/public/html/pub/multimedia/video/obp$ ls
intersect.mpg IntroducingPython.mpg IntroducingPython.ogg
jelkner@login1:/public/html/pub/multimedia/video/obp$ ls -dlh .
drwxrwsr-x 2 jelkner 1114 4.0K Dec 21 2006 .
You have the most control if you do the transcoding on your own machine and upload to us, so we would prefer if you took that approach. Let us know if you need anything else to get this working.