About the Outage category

If you know or believe that some ibiblio infrastructure is down for everyone and not just you, this is the place to post.

We have monitoring that covers many of the things that could go wrong with our infrastructure, and often we will catch and fix things before our contributors notice, but this is the place to speak up if for some reason we haven’t posted about it.

If you’re getting an error, please take steps to confirm that the error applies to everyone and not just you. If you can’t reach an ibiblio-hosted site, you could try plugging it into https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ before posting about it. If it is down for everyone and it is your site, can you confirm that it’s not a configuration issue such as a typo in a .htaccess file. If it’s something like that, your post belongs over in the Help category instead of here.

I’m seeing an error code 503 (503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.) when attempting to access my site at https://ibiblio.org/mal/MO/philm/.

https://ibiblio.org and links from that page load fine, but https://ibiblio.org/mal/ gives the 503 error.

https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ says it’s just me.

I can access my directories via FTP. :thinking:

I do not own this site, but https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/ also brings back the same error as freeax when I attempt to view it. I was viewing this specfic pdf 12h ago when I accidentally refreshed and it broke.

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Good to know it isn’t just me, thanks for your response.

Although https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ says it’s “just me” I get the same 503 error here: Validation Results - W3C Markup Validator

No problem. The issue seems to be fixed on my side, I can access the PDF just fine, now. Perhaps if the same is for you now?

Yes it does seem to be resolved now. :+1:t2:

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This is regarding www.friendsoftibet.org. The website is up; login2.ibiblio.org FTP is down, unable to access. Hope this will be rectified shortly.