403 Forbidden errors

Lately I’ve been experiencing frequent but intermittent errors when trying to access pages on my site bible.timelesstruths.org – and I’ve heard reports from at least one other user as well. I can access perhaps have a dozen pages, or maybe only one or two before running into the error: 403 Forbidden. If I wait a couple of seconds and refresh, it usually works as expected on the 2nd try, but not always.

So far I have not experienced this error on the other subdomain library.timelesstruths.org. I had not made any changes to bible.timelesstruths.org in a long time, so my guess is that something has either changed with a browser update (I’m using Chrome) and/or with the server infrastructure.

While there is not a specific and clear reason that we can see that you would have been getting these 403 errors, there were some errors that were logged that we can send you in a ticket. Please check your email for a message with the subject line

[ibiblio.org #52281] PHP errors in logs

We’ve also rolled through the relevant cluster doing some basic checks, and we noted that there were updates pending, so those have been applied. We’d love to know if the problem persists or has gone away, so when you have a chance, please look again.

I tried responding to the email you sent marked “[ibiblio.org #52281] PHP errors in logs” but I haven’t seen any further reply. My question is: is there a way for me to directly view the error logs?